Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Two Cups of Coffee Please

Shygirl and I finally went out for a cup of coffee. After a couple cancellations, a few emails, and talking after class on numerous occasions we met up for a cup. Since there is a Starbucks right up the street, we walked there to sit down and talk.

I'm not sure what she ordered but it was something sugar-free but fancy sounding. I had a cafe mocha, per usual. It was sort of a brisk morning otherwise I would have gone with a regular cup of coffee. Why does briskness change that? I can't answer you that.

Anyhow we talked about where we grew up, undergrad, some law school stuff, and hobbies interests. It was really just the normal run of the mill stuff. But I was glad to see that she isn't nearly as shy in one on one settings as in class.

After an hour we came back to campus. I asked her if she wanted to do it again sometime and she sort of smiled, hesitated, and told me that she's sort of seeing someone. Oh well...

Bye bye Shygirl.


no way! that's stupid. so, if you're attached, it's ok to go out for coffee once but not twice? because twice would be....bad? jeez. I am so glad I don't date. too fricking many rules.