Friday, November 12, 2004

Matt Nathanson Concert

Oh what a night. If only it were late Decemeber.

I don't have much to say about my own experience. I had a number of beers, sang aloud a lot, saw a few people I knew, and enjoyed the show. I do have some other extraneous observations.

A. We ignored first homeless guy and walked on.

B. Biggity didn't have to pay for his ticket; the girl waved him in.

C. Beer was fucking expensive. Almost four bucks a bottle.

D. Girl danced around like a maniac during the opening band. At times it seemed like a little deer prancing. She also had a scarf that she played around with. She looked alright.

E. The urinal holes were shaped like a penis. I'm starting to believe this was intentional.

F. The singer for the opening band (Duo of Threesome or Duo of Triplet or something stupid) tried to drink his beer a little too quickly which caused it to overflow. Not smooth.

G. Girl flashed me and friends by lower her tube top for us.

H. I think that she believed I owed her access to my ass. She grabbed it a few times through the rest of the night.

I. Two girls attempted to dance with me despite my total lack of interest.

J. Matt Nathanson kicked ass.

K. Second homeless guy was given a dollar by me.

That is all.
