Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Ole Miss and a Turtle

Yesterday evening I was innocently walking to where I start my daily run when I heard a couple deep voices arguing. I looked around and noticed a guy, who I suspect is a drug dealer, in his convertible yelling at one of my neighbors.

My neighbor, Ole Miss, is a really, really old retiree who walks around with his wife a lot. He walks pretty slow; I blame it on his cane. There have been a few situations where I was walking down the path to get my mail and wound up stuck behind Ole Miss and his wife, which resulted in a delay of a couple hours. The guy he was arguing with has a nice black Mercedes with a Kerry sticker and he looks like a bouncer or defensive lineman.

Even though I wouldn't be able to assist, I stuck around to see if the Ole Miss was about to get his ass kicked. I was doing my stretches while listening to the fight go on about where you should get your news. Ole Miss was saying that he likes Fox News because he's an old man and knows when he's being lied to. The Dealer was yelling that Fox News, ABC, all of that is biased and they lie to you. His contention was that to get a fair understanding of what's happening in politics you have to watch C-Span. Then he yelled about how the Wall Street Journal was where you can read about the news but not The Dallas Morning News or NY Times.

My confusion was why this fight was occurring at the time it was? I mean The Dealer had his car in the middle of the parking lot and was trying to leave. The Ole Miss had his hand on the car like that would stop it from leaving. They were both upset with one another but why did the fight even begin? The Dealer finally drove off in a fury. I'm sure Ole Miss was envious of his speed. Then I ran off.

On my run I noticed a little turtle on the sidewalk. It was no bigger than the size of a walnut, so I guess it just hatched from its egg. I picked it up and carried it down to the grass near a lake so it can have a good life instead of being stomped by a kid thinking it's a walnut. When I got back to my apartment the Ole Miss was still outside looking a little confused, so I went up to tell him about the Turtle. He got a big smile and said that he's always had a special place in his heart for turtles, because he would buy little baby turtles at the dime store as a child.

Ole Miss is blowing my mind. Fox News, fighting with The Dealer, and buying baby turtles...what a life.
