Friday, January 07, 2005

Swilly Timer

Last night proved quite interesting as I had another run in with Fogerty.

This time it was partially my fault, although, it was prompted by him.

At around 6:30 pm, I started to hear a lot of music coming from below. I put up with it for awhile, but I was trying to read my immigration law text book. Eventually I pounded on the floor a couple times. Nothing happened for a little while.

About two hours later, he turned up the music again, which started to really piss me off. I hit the floor again to annoy him. I heard the level go down a little and his door slam.

My doorbell rang.

I open the door to find Fogerty fuming outside my door. Ok, maybe he wasn't fuming, but he did have steam coming from his mouth, since it was freezing outside. This is close enough to fuming to make me imagine a chubby dragon in front of me with rage in his eyes.

He asks if something was wrong in my apartment because he kept hearing noise. I told him that I could say the same about his apartment. Then he started to yell about how he was not going to turn his music down. Eventually I cut off his little rant to ask him how old he was.


And you act like a college co-ed having a party.

I'm not turning the music down.

We can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way. If I have to call the management about it, I will.

Fine. Call the management. I've lived here for 10 years, and I haven't had any complaints from anyone living there.

They aren't living here anymore, are they?

Look, I'm not...

Listen, we can either work out a compromise or I will go back into my apartment. I'm not going to argue with you about this anymore.

I'm not going...

Did you hear what I just said? Let's try to reach some sort of a compromise. If you don't want to turn down the volume, and I need to study, could you agree to turn it off by 10pm? If you do that, then I'll study at the library in the evenings if I need to really concentrate.


Then he talked to me a little more about random stuff. He's an odd little character, but I'm glad we've sort of got something worked out.
