Wednesday, February 23, 2005

When Work Breaks

Yesterday I was able to get off work early.

See, the office that I work at revolves around this complex Access database. It has everything about a case that is important. The case history, intake information, all the client info, deadlines for the attorneys, paralegals, and whatnot. Without the database everything is very difficult to do.

It's funny because about a few times a day a message will come over the loudspeaker that says, "Please exit the database. Please exit database."

Everyone will exit and the administrators will do what they have to do to get the database fixed. I'm not sure what goes wrong with it but there is obviously something that needs fixed. It requires everyone being out of the database. Then a few minutes later they will say "you can now enter the database." Everything is all better.

Yesterday there was an exit the database message. A few minutes passed and everyone still was wondering what to do. Then there was an email message that said that the office was closed! It was about an hour and a half early. They said the database wouldn't be back until the following day.


An office big enough for a loudspeaker...and using an Access database?

But then again, if it's crashing so much, it must be true.