Yesterday I made my cat go into her little carrier, and packed her into my truck to take her to the vet. It's been almost one year since I have owned her, so I figured it was time for the yearly shots.
When we got to the vet she started to shake in her crate. She heard all the puppies barking and whimpering and birds chirping and started to get scared. They took us into the waiting room, so I let her out of the crate. Of course, like any good cat she started to slink around to check things out. She found a little cabinet that had an opening on the top of it. She tried to climb through the hole and the cabinet doors came opening up. She fell down into it then! It would have been funny if she had not been so scared in the room. She wouldn't even eat a treat.
They came and took her temperature and the vet came in. The vet said it was too high. She wanted to keep Sophia for the day so that they could see if she calmed down the temp might go down. Otherwise she might be sick.
I told them she couldn't stay because I had to work and then go out for dinner right after work. They said that I could bring her today, which I did. They just called me to say that her temp was at 101 point something, and this is just the temperature that she needs.
Sophia is ok! They are going to just give her some shots and then I will go and get her in a couple hours.
Two Truths and a Lie
This is the story of the life of a 20-something told by your own intuition. For every two posts that are true there will be one post that will be fictional. Everyone should leave with a different idea of me.
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