Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Sunday Reveal

Ok, I haven't done one of these for awhile because I'm not getting many comments. I heard though that people are often just not wanting to make a guess on the comments, but they are still interested in knowing whether it is true or not.

The post about the office girl Dawn who is like the person from The Office was not exactly true.

At my office the paralegals and attorneys have little direct contact. The way that immigration law works might be different than other areas because they are allowed to do quite a bit of work. They handle a lot of the client relations while the attorneys prepare stuff for the courts. The only way we typically communicate is by saying hi when we walk by them and leaving messages in the case history for them.

Therefore, Dawn from work doesn't ever come by with any sort of flirty intentions. She smiles and says hi when I walk by her cubicle and then has left me a couple messages in a case history.

Also, unlike Tim in The Office, I don't care that there isn't much interaction.


Oh, I'm glad that you're sharing which one is a lie. I was going to guess that one, but just because it was formatted differently from the rest.